Freitag, 10. Dezember 2010

US Department of Defence shows solidarity with WIKILEAKS

Die Taz hat alle Blogger und Websitebetreiber aufgerufen ein Wikileaks Werbebanner einzubauen, das automatisch auf eine erreichbare Wikileaks Seite verlinkt.
Sogar das US - Verteidigungsministerium ist diesem Wunsch gefolgt.
Oder zumindest hab gedacht, sie hätten nichts dagegen, wenn ichs bei denen auch draufmache. ;)

Sogar Facebook macht mit:

Samstag, 1. Mai 2010

i believe i spider...

Will found this one in our sink. It's the biggest one I've ever seen, I think.

Face to face

Donnerstag, 4. März 2010


Very cool little animation film, found by Kat:


Samstag, 27. Februar 2010

Digger Dance Day

At the Wellington waterfront today ( no tsunami ) :

Really cool =)

Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010

The Light Fantastic 2

I just discovered this awesome web-based tool developed by NIWA ( National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research ). It allows you to get a free estimate of how much sun energy/m² your house gets over a certain time period, to help to determine whether ( weather ) solar heat or electricity generation panels would be worthwile to install on your roof.

and the one for our flat:

Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010

The Light Fantastic

Friday night light pictures with Carl:

Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010

The Windy City is my Pretty...

I can't remember anymore, which song this quote is from but I like it...
Although the song is about Chicago ( I reckon ) I just discovered that Wellington might be the windiest city in the world!
"Wellington is one of the windiest cities in the world (possibly the windiest) and is windier than other southern windy cities including Cape Town, Perth, and Geraldton."

I just took a screenshot from the metservice website, which states the gusts are at about 120km/h at the moment. Some minutes ago it was 137! And it doesn't even feel particularly more windy than on other [windy] days, I just never encoutered the stats before.
I reckon 137 kmh gusts would definetely result in a weather warning in Germany, but don't seem to bother anyone here. ( As I told you heaps, here's the proof! )