Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2009

noch ein video:

einmal rund ums haus:

Lieber Nikolaus...

Hab ich schon letztes Jahr gefunden. Suuper!

P.S.: Jesus hat ja auch bald Geburtstag...

Sonic's Youth

I found a little hedgehog behind the rubbish bag today! SoOo cute=)
When he saw me he wanted to crawl into the bag and almost drowned, but we safed him and set him free, supplied with a little apple to keep him happy.

Freitag, 25. Dezember 2009


First Kiwi gift for Christmas:

It's a tiki! So cool!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Montag, 7. Dezember 2009

It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White

Für den Strand ist es noch zu kalt, aber braun macht die Sonne, dank Ozonloch, auch schon bei 15°. So sieht man dann bei 8 Stunden im freien pro Tag nach ein paar Wochen aus.

Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2009

Christmas in New Zealand

Jandal is Kiwi for FlipFlop

It's Christmas soon, so apparently it seems to be apropriate to Kiwis to have a National Jandal Day on Saturday. And also a lot of more interesting things ( will see next blog )

Christmas 2009

Mittwoch, 18. November 2009

The windy city is my pretty

A really cool short documentary about the busking life on the Wellington streets.
That is why I like this city so much=)

Thanks to Carl=)

Mittwoch, 11. November 2009

Freitag, 6. November 2009

die sonne geht im osten auf im norden steigt sie hoch hinauf

12:00 pm, just out of the shower , into my shorts to have breakfast under the sun=)
but...shouldn't the sun be blocked by the house? it's midday and it should be on the southern sky...
-> not in southern hemisphere=)

I definetely haven't been here long enough, if I didn't notice those things yet!

wiki says:

In the southern hemisphere the sun passes from east to west through the north,The sun rotating through the north causes an apparent right-left trajectory through the sky unlike the left-right motion of the sun when seen from the northern hemisphere as it passes through the southern sky.

and now suncream on my face=)

the southern lights!

Montag, 26. Oktober 2009

der blog wacht wieder auf=)

350ORG-wellington by u8601049.
Whoever Huey can locate me in the Kiwihead area...
24.10. was international climate action day!
and organized a giant kiwi sculpture to say we should go back to
350 parts of carbon dioxide per million parts in the atmosphere to avoid catastrophic climate change!
Everybody can sign the greenpeace and 350 petitions for the same aim here: and

Oh..the greenpeace signon campaign entails fake arm-casts ( nz joke for the prime minister ) and I got mine signed by XENA the warrior princess ( lucy lawless )

As soon as my camera works again, I'll upload a picture...

The blog will stay awake, I promise!

Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2009


... noch 1 stunde, dann wecken wir malte.
...noch 2 stunden, dann sitzen wir in der bahn.
...noch 3 stunden, dann ist check-in.
...noch 4 stunden, dann liegen wir alle uns in den armen.
... und in 5 stunden flieg ich schon richtung london. 32 stunden bin ich in neuseeland, das ist schon ganz schön bald ^^
ab dann gibt es kein:

liebe grüße an alle (die hierbleiben) euer fast-kiwi-andi :o)